Jul 7, 2014

Chef Claude Tayag tries Cebu's latest food craze, tuslob buwa

Tuslob buwa's ingredients, as featured on the Philippine Star, include pusó, pig’s brain soup, chopped onion, mashed chicken liver and salted alamang, or shrimp paste.

Tuslob-Buwa (via The Philippine Star)

A designated “cook” heats up a small wok on a portable butane stove, pours a little oil from a squeeze bottle, then sautés the onion, adds the salted alamang and liver, and some soy sauce for good measure. The brain soup is then poured over the sizzling wok, made to simmer until the milky-white soup is reduced into a puddle of bubbling oil (buwa in Cebuano) with a creamy brown paste forming at the bottom... Philippine Star

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